Monday, February 2, 2009

Andrew's B-day; Week 21; Ground Hog's Day

Hi there,
We have lots to update you on today.
Today is Andrew's birthday! Woot, woot! Happy Birthday Andrew!!! We will celebrate with cake and presents after he gets home from school tonight.
We are at Week 21 in our pregnancy and here is a photo from today! My belly has finally started showing a noticeable bump-check it out!! We are now 1/2 way until "D" day which brings amazing excitement and deep fear for me as well. I just can't wait to meet our baby boy, oh what joy that will be, but there ANY other way...I mean seriously!?!!?! I am so terrified of giving birth!!! Though I know he'll be worth it.

Finally, it is Ground Hog's Day and as I understand it that rodent saw his shadow this morning...which (ugh!) means 6 more weeks of winter. I just want to cry! However when Emily heard this she said, "Yes, only 6 more weeks of winter!" with delight. I thought about it a minute and she's in Midland, MI, we could easily have 2-3 more months of I think I need to change my attitude! Tee-hee! I just HATE the cold so much!
Have a great day everyone! Thanks for checking in! Tah-Tah for now! SMB

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