Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mid-Michigan BLIZZARD!

Yeah, I would definitely call it a blizzard & we just had one here in the very snowy Midland area. Today we are plowing/shoveling out. Andrew is absolutely thrilled to have his Quad & have so much snow to move with it!! Woo-hoo!

The kids have had 2 Snow Days! Lucky Emily!!! She is very happy about that, of course!

From my measurement & photo below I believe we got approximately 11 inches of snow from Monday night - the early hours of this morning!!! YUCK, is all I have to say about it!

Avalanche is having trouble with his back legs & last night the snow was so high he couldn't walk in it. When Andrew saw that he lovingly hopped onto his Quad to plow Avy a huge circle trail with lots of zigzag paths for him to get around on. Avy was so excited he went zooming up & down those trails & refused to come back into the house! He was just having way too much fun, lol! Finally a treat lured him in about 1 hour later!

I think it is so funny & amazing that Avalanche knew Andrew made those paths for him & was so happy about them! Avy hasn't dared go off those trails either, he surely does not want to get stuck again, silly boy!

It is definitely going to be a White Christmas around here, lol! Check it out, here are a few photos of our backyard & Avy eating snow, yummers!


Shannon said...

Wow, the snow is so beautiful! Thank goodness Andrew has the quad and could help Avy get out and around. Did you lose power at all? We thought it was pretty exciting here when we walked outside and the water in our dogs' bowl was frozen! lol Gotta love the South!

Shannon said...

I just noticed you have Compassion Intl as one of the blogs you follow. We just signed up to support a little boy through their organization! Do you guys support a child thru them? Just's an awesome organization! Love and hugs to you all!

Piet and Leah Bakers said...

I miss a snowy Christmas. Though it doesn't snow a ton where I went to college, I miss that we had the option to go to the snow!

Merry Christmas!

Hershey said...

I'm glad that Avy loved his zig-zags!! Good job Andrew!!
I think we should settle in, we're suppose to get more snow -- LOTS of it! Like up to 12 inches. YUCK!