Dakota is doing SO much these days! I don't even know where to start. How about I just mention the most adorable! Some of this stuff he has been doing for a while and some are his new "tricks"!
Dakota says: mama, dada & hi. He waves! He gives terrific kisses & awesome hugs!!!
He loves to walk around the edges of everything. He likes to dance in place & stand on his tip toes.
I cannot keep socks on Dakota, he thinks it is SO fun to pull them off!
He woofs at dogs! He thinks a duck's quack is a woof as well, so he woofs both ducks & dogs!
He totally loves to unroll the toilet paper and pull tissues out of the box!
Dakota drives every thing (even books) around on the floor while making motor noises!
He loves to ride on his daddy's shoulders, what fun!
He loves giving big smiles and then to play shy!
Dakota likes to jump on his knees! And on his feet in his crib.
He tells super long stories, with all types of syllables and sounds strung together. He mimics sounds we make too. It is so precious!
Dakota loves chocolate!
He is very good at rolling a ball back & forth with us.
He is pleased to clap his hands when he is happy or thinks he did a great job!
At "Babytime" he loves to crawl to the middle of the circle where he yells & shakes his hands with excitement, while the other little babies-all girls-sit nicely in their mom's laps! Tee-hee.
Dakota likes to dance & wiggle around when dada plays the harmonica to him.
He loves to be tickled! Dakota squeals and screams with delight when he is happy.
He problem solves, I am amazed at how he figures out how to do things and how to get items he wants that are just out of reach, etc
He loves "helping" me fold laundry!
Dakota still loves to read, we read lots of books every day.
He very much enjoys looking at pictures of himself and also in the mirror, he often squeals with delight!!!!
He loves being chased by his daddy! He crawls super fast when dada is in pursuit!
He absolutely loves to fall asleep in his mama's arms! And she loves it too!
Dakota enjoys hanging from the oven door, good thing it locks.
He throws a fit whenever needed, but that isn't too often.
He loves to play the piano!
He enjoys opening every cupboard & drawer we have. He finds lots of good stuff.
Just yesterday Dakota learned to blow his food out of his mouth & he thinks he is SO funny!
He does tons and tons more, but that is enough for this update!